WirelessU Main Screen
TE Overview :Traffic Intensity
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Find Traffic Intensity

The number of subscribers serviced in a cell depends on:

  • the number of available channels, and
  • how much each channel is used (traffic intensity).

Knowing how often a subscriber uses their phone (calling rate) and average call length, the average traffic intensity is derived from: A = (Q * T) / 60

A is the average traffic intensity in Erlangs
Q is the peak calling rate per customer per hour
T is the average call length

For typical systems: Q is 0.6 and T is 2.6 minutes.
This is 0.026 Erlangs per subscriber.

Continue with Subscriber Use.

This information is proprietary to Lucent Technologies.
Design, Format, Edit, Graphics, etc is the work of Gary Wagoner along with an 11 member development team.